Welcome to Pro Calima
The Pro Calima Foundation was founded in 1979 in response to the large-scale
destruction of archaeological sites in the Calima region. A small group
of Colombian, Swiss and British archaeologists began research focussed
on Calima and on neighbouring areas of southwestern Colombia.
Calima had long been well-known for its graves with spectacular finds of gold but since almost all the finds were made by treasure-hunters, little was known about their context. The region is /also/ privileged – quitar /also/. in having a very well preserved pre-Columbian landscape in which ancient house platforms and field systems can be clearly seen. Stretches of the ancient road system are often visible and, in some places, can still be followed. One of the main focusses of our research was the systematic mapping and study of this landscape. This was accompanied by excavations in a wide variety of different types of sites including house platforms, very large artificial platforms, field systems, graves and ancient roads.
More recently, the Calima team has turned its attention to the valley of the river Cauca, south-east of Calima, and has conducted three field seasons at sites of the Malagana culture.
Our research is funded by both corporate sponsorship and individual donations. If you would like more information about Pro Calima or make a donation, contact our general secretary, Ursula Kubli: www.procalima.ch